Help Me! I’m Confused.

Where do I file something? I have no idea what I am doing and I need to file something ASAP. Read below for general information.

2012 was the beginning of the end of a “runner.” A “runner” would go to and from the courthouse all day to file, pick up and make copies of pleadings, and get citations, etc. At that time the Supreme Court of Texas mandated that all e-filing for civil cases be filed electronically. A couple years later, e-filing became mandatory for attorneys filing in all civil cases, including but not limited to family law, probate and civil litigation type cases as well. Even though non-attorneys are encouraged to file electronically, some counties, such as Tarrant and Dallas County require non-attorneys (pro-se or self-represented litigants) to file their paperwork in person; which may come with its own challenges and hurdles.

A court clerk is an important individual in the judicial system who is responsible for taking a legal document, filing into the right court and case number and maintaining legal documentation in each courthouse. Per Texas law, court clerks are not allowed to give legal advice and are strictly admonished not to. Fortunate and unfortunately, many clerks may feel sympathetic to the poor pro-se who look lost and need help. That solicited non-legal clerk’s advice could be your saving grace or the downfall to your case. See, clerks are gate keepers. If something is wrong with your pleading, they will return it and instruct you to file it again. Even for attorneys, the clerk guidelines can be a mystery.

Many times, clerks can point non-attorneys in the right direction or to the right pleading. Each court, county and building may have their own procedures of how to file but we have compiled a list to help you know where to go to file your documents for your court case.

Tarrant County Family Law Cases
Second Floor
200 E. Weatherford Street,
Fort Worth, Texas 76196
Acceptable type of payment: Cash or Card ONLY

Tarrant County District Court Civil Cases
Tom Vandergriff Civil Courts Building

Tarrant County Probate Cases
Second Floor – Room 233
Tarrant County Old Courthouse
100 W. Weatherford Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76196
Acceptable type of payment: Cash or Card ONLY

Tarrant County Family Law Center

Tarrant County Probate Cases